Market and Competitors‘ Analysis in China for Carl Kühne KG
Carl Kühne KG is one of the leading European manufacturers of vinegar, gherkins and condiment food such as salad dressings or flavoured sauces. With 1,500 employees the Kühne group is selling its products in more than 50 countries worldwide. The export to China has grown continuously and reached a remarkable volume in the meantime.
In order to get a more detailed picture about the potentials and developments in the Chinese market, Kühne assigned FE in 2012 with a market and competitors‘ analysis. FE‘s local food specialists hereby investigated among others:
FE‘s local food specialists hereby investigated among others:
Content a.o.: detailled market data, product specific selling chances, structure of prices/margins, sales channels, potential customers in the industrial and retail sector; requirements of distribution, logistics and marketing in order to tap such potentials.
Content a.o.: core regions of the industry; detailed analysis of the 10 leading Chinese manufacturers of vinegar or vinegar-based products as well as selection of the quality leaders among manufacturers of edible alcohol
In 2016 FE has been assigned with an update of the market and competitor analysis. The findings of this market and competitors‘ analysis as well as the impressions of local visits made by Kühne representatives form a solid basis for the decision-making regarding further steps of the Carl Kühne KG in China.